ICTBroadcast IVR Designer / Call flow builder
Introduction to IVR Designer
IVR Applications
Using Tokens in IVR Applications
How to Create custom IVR Through Web-based IVR Studio?
1) Introduction to IVR Designer – top
ICTBroadcast Service Provider Edition bundles with an IVR Designer Tool. IVR Designer / IVR Studio is an interactive web-based software tool that allows you to create advanced telephony systems with a simple drag-and-drop interface. The user can pick any application from the toolbar area, then drag it to the main drawing area and drop it. This will create that application at the dropped location. Its drag-and-drop interface makes it easy for users to create voice response applications in a web browser. IVR Designer’s toolbar contains the applications to create an IVR. Following is a brief description of each of those applications.
IVR Studio
2) IVR Applications – top
Call Answer:
The call answer application answers an incoming call. However, IVR Designer / IVR Studio does not handle the inbound scenario in ICTBroadcast. So consider it non-functional in the outbound dialer. Start application will behave as answered call in case of an outbound call.
Call Hangup:
The hangup application forces a call to be disconnected.
Get Input:
Get any input requests from your IVR.
Get Input
Play Audio:
Plays a sound file. You can use a sound file from the Recording section in the settings area.
Play Audio
Call Transfer:
The Transfer application connects the active call to a specified phone number of an agent. This number is referred to as the Extension number in ICTBroadcast.
Call Record:
The Record application can either create a recording, which starts with a beep and ends with the user pressing pound, or it can record the remainder of the call.
Options Menu:
Options Menus are used to gather keypad input from the user. Each menu node requires at least one “Play” node to present options to the user, and one or more “Key Press” nodes to handle the incoming key presses.
Answering Machine Detection (AMD):
It detects after answering a call whether it is Human or Machine. Then on the basis of this decision, the user can perform any action.
Do Not Call (DNC):
DNC Application adds a number to the DNC list.
Text-To-Speech (TTS):
TTS application allows users to enter the text that will be played as sound.
Say Alpha:
TTS application allows users to enter the text that will be played as sound.
Say Digit:
TTS application allows users to enter the text that will be played as sound.
say digit
Say Number:
TTS application allows users to enter the text that will be played as sound.
say number
Say Date:
TTS application allows users to enter the text that will be played as sound.
say date
Say Time:
TTS application allows users to enter the text that will be played as sound.
say time
3) Using Tokens in IVR Applications – top
Tokens are variables that replace their value dynamically while the campaign is run. Tokens have a predefined way to use. Some IVR applications allow you to enter or select tokens. IVR designer allows a specific pattern for using tokens which are described below:
Whenever the above pattern is used, it means the first name of contact will be played. Similarly, you can use [contact:last_name], [contact:custom1], [contact:custom2], [contact:email] etc. You can use all the fields of ICTBroadcast contact as tokens. Currently, TTS, Say Alpha, Say Digit, Say Number, Say Date, and Say Time applications support using tokens. Following is a list of Tokens that can be used in IVR Applications:
4) How to Create IVR Through Web-based Designer – top
In this section, working examples are given that demonstrate how IVR designers and IVR applications can be used to create various IVRs. These IVRs then can be attached to a campaign for broadcasting. A few of the frequently used terms in this tutorial and their explanation is given below:
IVR Application: A unique IVR element within IVR Designer containing a specific function. E.g. Play Audio plays .wav recording. Call Hangup will disconnect the call.
IVR (or IVRs): A complete IVR that contains one or more IVR Applications (elements) linked together. It is saved as a record, can be edited later, and is available to be attached to a campaign.
How to Create IVR Through Web-based Designer?
Navigate to Messages => IVR => New IVR.
Creating IVR
Set IVR Name.
Creating IVR
Drag and Drop Applications from the toolbar area to the drawing area.
Creating IVR
Creating IVR
To Link one Application to other Applications, move the pointer to a small rectangle at the top left of the Application. Press and hold down the button on the mouse.
Creating IVR
Drag and Drop it over other Applications by releasing the button.
Creating IVR
To Remove the link, Select the destination pointer of the link that the user wanted to remove. Drag it to the source Application and drop it over the source Application.
Creating IVR
To set Application settings, click on the small pencil at the bottom left of the Application.
Creating IVR
This will open a popup window. Every Application has different parameters settings. In the example below, the TTS application properties popup is shown.
Creating IVR
How to use Play Audio Application in IVR?
Create New IVR => Drag and Drop Play Audio Application to Drawing Area.
From the popup window of Play Audio Applications. Select the required recording from the drop-down menu and click Apply to save.
Play Audio IVR
Link start Application with the Play Audio Application by dragging and dropping the “Start Application” link on the “Play Audio Application”. Click the Save button on-page menu to save this IVR.
Play Audio IVR
How to use Text to Speech (TTS) Application in IVR?
Create New IVR => Drag and drop TTS Application to Drawing Area.
In the popup window, write the text that the user wants to play, and then click Apply to save.
Link start Application with the TTS Application by dragging and dropping the “Start Application” link on the “TTS Application”. Click the Save button on-page menu to save this IVR.
How to use the SayAlpha Application in IVR?
Create New IVR => Drag and drop SayAlpha Application to Drawing Area.
From the popup window, the user can select predefined variables whose value will be played by this application. Users can also select Custom from the dropdown menu. This will allow a user to write alphanumeric values in the text box.
SayAlpha IVR
Link start Application with the SayAlpha Application by dragging and dropping the “Start Application” link on the “SayAlpha Application”. Click the Save button on-page menu to save this IVR.
SayAlpha IVR
How to use SayDigit Application in IVR?
Create New IVR => Drag and drop SayDigit Application to Drawing Area.
From the popup window, the user can select predefined variables who value will be played by this application. User can also select customer option from dropdown menu. This will allow user to write only digits ( 0 – 9 ) in the text box. Click Apply to save.
SayDigit IVR
Link start Application with the SayDigit Application by dragging and dropping “Start Application” link on the “SayDigit Application”. Click Save button on page menu to save this IVR.
SayDigit IVR
How to use SayNumber Application in IVR?
Create New IVR => Drag and drop SayNumber Application to Drawing Area.
From the popup window, user can select predefined variables whose value will be played by this application. User can also select custom from dropdown menu. This will allow user to write only number (0 – 9 and ” . “) in the text box. Click Apply to save.
SayNumber IVR
Link start Application with the SayNumber Application by dragging and dropping “Start Application” link on the “SayNumber Application”. Click Save button on page menu to save this IVR.
SayNumber IVR
How to use SayDate Application in IVR?
Create New IVR => Drag and drop SayDate Application to Drawing Area.
From the popup window, user can select predefined variables whose value will be played by this application. User can also select custom from dropdown menu. This will allow user to Select time ( mm:dd:year ) from the given feild below. Click Apply to save.
SayDate IVR
Link start Application with the SayDate Application by dragging and dropping “Start Application” link on the “SayDate Application”. Click Save button on page menu to save this IVR.
SayDate IVR
How to use SayTime Application in IVR?
Create New IVR => Drag and drop SayTime Application to Drawing Area.
From the popup window, user can select predefined variables whose value will be played by this application. User can also select custom from dropdown menu. This will allow user to Select time ( Hour: Minute ) from the given feild below. Click Apply to save.
SayTime IVR
Link start Application with the SayTime Application by dragging and dropping “Start Application” link on the “SayTime Application”. Click Save button on page menu to save this IVR.
SayTime IVR
URL in IVR Designer / IVR Studio
In IVR Designer URL option is given for integrating IVR with a third party software.
You have created an IVR and you want when user presses any digit ICTBroadcast should invoke any third party API and should take an action on another software then you require integration of IVR with an other software and this feature in IVR will assist you well.
In URL field API is mentioned during the integration process. When the user presses a digit, ICTBroadcast calls API that was saved earlier, and proceeds further.
Url feature in IVR Designer is a step towards automation and it can help your business grow. This campaign is beneficial for many businesses especially the companies that provide some services to its customers and some kind of subscription is required in the process like cellular network companies.
Subscription Campaign
IVR Designer
Improved Web based IVR