1: Overview:

ICTBroadcast SP Edition is white label, multi-tenant and unified communications blended call center and auto dialer software supporting Voice, SMS; Fax and Email communication technologies suitable for Enterprises, carriers and Internet Telephony Service Providers to offer hosted services to their customers. ICTBroadcast features autodialer, predictive dialer, progressive dialer, preview dialer, power dialer and manualdialing capabilities. ICTBroadcast SP Edition features Rest APIs, multi service billing, advance routing, payment management and rating that enables service providers to offer call center and telemarketing services to their customers.

ICTBroadcast SP Edition can be scaled to blast thousands of simultaneous calls, handle most telemarketing and call center scenarios. It is simple, reliable and easy to use and has a user-friendly web portal to manage.

2: ICTBroadcast Configuration

Please follow below steps to start using ICTBroadcast SP Edition

1) Add Regions:

There is a list of regions available in the system if you need to add a new region specifically ICTBroadcast facilitates adding new regions.region list


  • Open the navigation menu and select the Billing main menu
  • Select the sub menu regions under main menu and click on it
  • Click on New region button from region list page
  • Add region page will open, Admin has to add required information in desired fields
  • Enter the region code and region name and click on save button

add region

2) Add Countries

There is a list of Countries available in the system if you need to add a new country specifically ICTBroadcast facilitates adding new Country.

countries list


  • Open the navigation menu and select the Billing main menu
  • Select the sub menu Countries under main menu and click on it
  • Click on New Country button from region list page
  • Add region page will open, Admin has to add required information in desired fields
  • Enter Country name, country Code digit and Country dialing code

add country

  • Select region and timezone then click on save button

add country2

3) Add destination:

ICTBroadcast provides a complete route and rate management system. You can manage destinations, configure routes, and set destination rates.

destinations list


  • Open the navigation menu and select the Billing main menu
  • Select the sub menu Carrier/destinations under main menu and click on it
  • Click on New destination button from region list page
  • Add region page will open, Admin has to add required information in desired fields
  • Enter the Destination name, prefix and OCN/PLMN

add destination

  • Select the carrier type from drop down such as email, phone, mobile and voip.
  • Select country and timezone as you require

add destination2

4) Add Gateway/trunk:

SIP Gateway / Trunks is basically a call organizations and termination point. A trunk is an interface that enables users to connect with recipients using SIP networks.Steps:

  • Open the navigation menu and select the main menu Administration
  • select the sub menu Gateway from main menu and click on it
  • Click on the New trunk button from Trunk list page
  • Add page will open, admin has to add/enter required information in desired fields
  • Enter gateway/trunk name, Select type, select status and Select Gateway type such as Asterisk, Twilio, Http and swift mailer

add trunk

  • Enter CPS limit, maximum channel capacity and prefix
  • Select or Enter Caller ID Format

add trunk2

Note: if your trunk configuration is on IP base then you not need to add register string just add gateway setting and dial string.

add trunk configuration

5) What are Routes:

if multiples trunks are configured for different countries / destinations then admin can add routes of specific country/destination supported by said trunk as an example if trunk A is configured for USA and Trunk B configured for Canada then you can add routes of USA against Trunk A and add routes for Canada for Trunk B and ICTBroadcast setup will contacts accordingly.

6) Add Routes:


  • Open the navigation menu and select the main menu Billing
  • select the sub menu Routes from main menu and click on it
  • Click on the New route button from Route list page
  • Add page will open, admin has to add/enter required information in desired fields
  • Select Service and Select trunk (for which trunk route will used)

add route

add route2

add route2

7) What are Rate plans?

Rate plans are used to create different set of rates of countries / destinations and assign these Rate Plans to Tenants / Users as per requirement as an example if admin like to assign rate A of specific destination to tenant A and assign rate B of same destination to Tenant B, admin will create different Rate Plans and assign these Rate Plans to Tenants / Users accordingly.

8) Add Rate plan:


  • Open the navigation menu and select the Billing Menu
  • select the sub menu rate plan from main menu and click on it
  • Click on the New rate plan button from rate plan list page
  • Add page will open, admin has to add/enter required information in desired fields
  • Enter rate plan name and description
  • select the permission group and select the permissions from filter section

add rate plan

9) Add Rates:

In ICTBroadcast the purpose of rate plan is that if we are using multiple trunks for specific countries then we can add separate rate for each country according to assigned rate plan and services. Steps:

  • Open the navigation menu and select the main menu Billing
  • select the sub menu rate from main menu and click on it
  • Click on the New rate button from rate plan list page
  • Add page will open, admin has to add/enter required information in desired fields
  • Select the rate plan and Services
  • Select the VoIP block and VoIP rate

add rate

  • Select billing block, enter billing rate, select first interval and select increment interval.

add rate2

  • Select regions, country and destinations of selected country

add rate3

3: User Management

ICTBroadcast is a web-based multi-tenant auto dialer software that offers separate web portals for Administrators and Users. It facilitates complete campaign management for every user. Each user can manage, monitor, and run multiple campaigns separately and independently.

User management

3.1: User Roles:


Admin is the owner of ictbroadcast setup. Admin manage and monitor overall ictbroadcast setup and resources. Admin create tenant/client and allocate resources to him. Admin create and manage over all system resources such as extensions/DID’s. Admin setup billing, set rate plan, rates and configure trunk, routes.


tenant/client manage users, supervisor and agent accounts. Tenant creates and manages multiple users,supervisor and agent accounts. tenant/client assign resources to each users such as extension and DIDs.


User create new campaigns. User manage and monitor campaigns and all his resources and his data.


Supervisor monitor campaigns and reports of one or multiple users and agents of same tenant.


Agent make/receive/transfer call and communicate with callers /call recipients. Agent manages inbound and outbound campaigns such as predictive, progressive and preview campaigns.

3.2) Assign Resources:

Administrator can assign resources to tenants .Assigning specific ‘Timeslot’ and Days of week to run campaigns. User will only run the campaign in the allotted Time slot and selected Days of week. Tenant and his users will run campaigns at allowed Timeslot and Days of week otherwise the running campaigns will stopped immediately.

Assign resources to Tenant/client account:


  • Open the navigation menu and select the main menu Administration
  • select the sub menu Client management from main menu and click on it
  • select the client account from client list page and click on Assign DID button from operation menu

allowed timeslot

  • Resource Assignment page will open, Admin can Allowed time slot to Tenant/Client to run campaign.

assign permission

  • Admin can assign permission to tenant/client

client list

client list

User under ownership of “Master account” are only applicable for resources that Admin a assign to Master.

3.3: Add new Client

Admin can create and manage client/company account. Admin assign resources,DIDs and Extensions to client and all users under that client can use his all resources.




  • Open the navigation menu and select the Administration menu
  • select the sub menu Client management from main menu and click on it
  • Click on the New client button from Client list page
  • Add page will open, admin has to add/enter required information in desired fields
  • Enter client name, Select rate plan, enter maximum allowed channel and select status as active

client personal contact

  • Enter personal information such as Email,phone number, Address, company name and select Country

client local setting

  • Select Time zone, Language and Theme

client local setting

3.2: Add new user:

User can create and monitor his campaign. User can add contacts and recording message.


  • Open the navigation menu and select the Administration menu
  • select the sub menu User management from main menu and click on it
  • Click on the New user button from User list page
  • Add page will open, admin has to add/enter required information in desired fields
  • Enter User name, select Client account from owner by section
  • Select status as active and select/assign role


  • Add password, retype password and enter pin code

user password

  • Add personal Contact information such as Email, first name, last name, phone number , address and Select country

user personal info

  • Select Time zone, Language and Theme

Note: User can be created as client too by selecting create new client from Owner by field.

user as new client

3.3: Add Payment

Admin can add payment/balance to client accountsand all users will use his credit for running campaigns.


    • Open the navigation menu and select the Billing menu
    • select the sub menu Payments from main menu and click on it
    • Click on the New Payment button from Route list page
    • Add page will open, admin has to add/enter required information in desired fields
    • Select the paid by Account and enter comment (optional)
    • Enter total paid amount, select payment type and enter payment date

add payment

4: Agent/Extension Management:

Admin can create agent/extension and assign it to client/company account. Agent can make/receive/transfer inbound and outbound calls and communicate with caller recipients.

4.1: Add new Agent/Extension


  • Open the navigation menu and select Administration menu
  • select the sub menu Agent/Extension from main menu and click on it
  • Click on the New agent button from Extension list page
  • Add page will open, admin has to add/enter required information in desired fields
  • Enter Agent name, agent number and Forward to from drop down menu

add extension

  • Select web phone as active, SIP and IAX will disable and enter login password

add extesnion2

Forward Agent to External Call center:

You can forward incoming call to External call center number, External private PBX and personal phone number


  • Open the navigation menu and select Administration menu
  • select the sub menu Agent/Extension from main menu and click on it
  • Click on the New agent button from Extension list page
  • Add page will open, admin has to add/enter required information in desired fields
  • Enter Agent name, agent number and Select Forward to as External Call center

forward extension to externall call center

  • Enter external call center information such as Enter ip/hostame, select protocol, Enter user name and password
  • Enter Extension/phone and call limit.

forward extension to externall call center2

Forwarding agent to Agent/device:

You can make and receive call through the webRTC agent panel through the internet by using the Login information Agent can dial manual calls through webphone.


  • Open the navigation menu and select Administration menu
  • select the sub menu Agent/Extension from main menu and click on it
  • Click on the New extension button from extension list page
  • Add page will open, admin has to add/enter required information in desired fields
  • Enter Agent name, agent number and Forward to from drop down menu

forward extension to externall call center

  • Select web phone as active, SIP and IAX will diable and enter login password

add extension2

Assign Extension to Users:

Admin can assign extension to users.


  • Open the navigation menu and select the main menu Administration
  • select the sub menu Client management from main menu and click on it
  • select the client account from client list page and click on Assign extension button from operation menu

assign DID to user

4.2: Add Inbound DID

DID number is the number that caller will dial and the system will receive that call.


  • Open the navigation menu and select the main menu Administration
  • select the sub menu Inbound DIDs from main menu and click on it
  • Click on the New DID button from trunk list page
  • Add page will open, admin has to add/enter required information in desired fields
  • Enter DID number and description
  • Select the assigned to option as System or Available to users

add inbound DID

Assign DID to Users:

  • Open the navigation menu and select the main menu Administration
  • select the sub menu Client management from main menu and click on it
  • select the client account from client list page and click on Assign DID button from operation menu

assign DID to user

  • DID Assignment page will open, Admin select the DID number and click on assign selected button

Available DID list

Available DID list

Note: All users under master will used Assigned DID for inbound calling

Important Links :