Get Started :
Creating a Permanent Access Token
Fortunately, the Meta for Developers platform makes this easy. All you need to do is add a System User to your business account to obtain an access token you can use to continue accessing the API. To create a system user, do the following:
- Go to Business Settings.
- Select the business account your app is associated with.
- Below Users, click System Users.
- Click Add.
- Name the system user, choose Admin as the user role, and click Create System User.
- Select the whatsapp_business_messaging permission.
- Click Generate New Token.
- Copy and save your token.
- Your access token is a random string of letters and numbers. Now, try re-running the earlier request using the token you just created instead of the temporary one.
Configure a Webhook
To get alerted when you receive a message or when a messaget affect the status of your phone number and does not interfere with you sending or receiving messages.
To get started, first you need to create the endpoint. You can create a custom Webhook URL running on a web server, or use services that help you set up an endpoint, such as Glitch. See Set up and Configure Glitch sestion.
Once your endpoint is ready, go to your App Dashboard.
In the App Dashboard, go to WhatsApp > Configuration, then click the Edit button.
Callback URL: This is the URL Meta will be sending the events to. See the Webhooks, Getting Started guide for information on creating the URL.
Verify Token: This string is set up by you, when you create your webhook endpoint.
After adding the information, click Verify and Save.
After saving, back in the Configuration panel, click the Manage button and subscribe to individual webhook fields. To receive notifications of customer messages, be sure to subscribe to the messages webhook field