Following is the procedure and step by step guide for Agent to Agent and group chat communication in ICTBroadcast. Steps for Create Agent: Login to ictbroadcast as admin open the navigation menu and select the main menu “Administration” select the sub menu...
Experience the streamlined VoIP communication you’ve been seeking with ICTBroadcast Auto Dialer Software. Say farewell to manual dialing and welcome efficiency into your operations. Save valuable time and enhance productivity through its advanced features and...
Steps ejabber install ( try to find an centos 7 and 8 RPM for eJabber) and install it instructions and steps to add a domain name in eJabber server instructions to add new users/chat account into eJabber for specific domain Firewall settings, i.e port requirements...
Get Started : Creating a Permanent Access Token Fortunately, the Meta for Developers platform makes this easy. All you need to do is add a System User to your business account to obtain an access token you can use to continue accessing the API. To create a system...
Following is the procedure and step by step guide for Messaging Integrationwith Broadcast. Steps for Messaging Integration in ICTBroacast: First of all we will add the configuration of ejabberd in ictbroadcast web interface. Login to ictbroadcast system via admin/user...